We were hopeful that LifeBridge would be the workable venue. Because of recent changes in our faculty lineup, we can no longer afford the rent at LifeBridge.
At the beginning of the year, we teachers should be full of energy and enthusiasm. Instead, we are worn out and discouraged. We have decided to suspend our group classes for now and teach only private lessons. We need to be able to focus on teaching your children since this is what we are qualified to do. Time and energy are running out to devote to this issue. We have had countless phone calls, e-mails and meetings. We are absolutely spent. We need your help and we need it now!
We come to you as likeminded teachers in the Suzuki philosophy. We all support the notion that every child can learn! Our Suzuki community is unique in our chosen method of music education. We are very fortunate to be able to come together regularly in learning, creating, sharing, teaching, and nurturing.
What can you parents do?
- Form a cohesive parent group to keep your music program alive and functioning.
- Find a workable location for Longmont Suzuki Strings group classes and private lessons. A pdf outlining our specific needs is attached.
- Locate venues for our solo recitals and group concerts. The solo recital dates are October 3 and November 7. The December 5 group concert will be at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park.
- Form a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization for Longmont Suzuki Strings. We have learned that Longmont Council of the Arts may allow us to use their non-profit status and will assist us in the arduous 501(c)(3) application which can take 4-12 months.
We four teachers are dedicated to our students and want to offer them the most comprehensive Suzuki program we can. We want our fledgling organization to survive and will help in any way we can. We four can't do it alone so we are appealing to you for your help. Now is the time to voice your opinion, expertise, and network in order to shape the way Longmont Suzuki Strings moves forward.
Have a wonderful weekend. We look forward to hearing your ideas and solutions!
Barbara Barber
Erron Lacy
Karla Smart-Hickman
Megan Titensor

lss_building_use_request.pdf |